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Location: Chitown, Illinois, United States

Pharmacy Student

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Some interesting side notes

The plumbing is very bad in Central America so you can't flush TP down the toilet b/c the toilet will overflow. I walked into my host families home to see the toilet overflowing and Josefina swept the water into a drain on the ground. The houses are made from concrete and it has 3 BR, 1 living room, and 1 kitchen, plus an area in the middle of the house cut out llike a sun room where she hangs her laundry to dry. The toilet thing at frist freaked me out, but then I said, Oh well, try not to look into the canister you put the soiled paper into and use a lot of hand sanitizer. I've just gotta deal w/o the luxuries for a while. Nolan, are you ready?

Also, I can't believe how short everyone is! I'm quite tall here and I'm a measley 5'4". The people are so beautiful, nice, and friendly. However, if they are driving in a car and you're trying to cross the street than look out. you have to run for your life.

The pollution is out of site. It's incredibly sad how dirty and how much trash is every where. I was walking over a viaduct yesterday and the entire river blow was covered in trash. Trash is everywhere. People at on the buses and threw out their wrappers. My eyes have been red, swollen, burning, and tearing nearly every day several times a day. The vehicles emit thick clouds of black smoke which can be quite suffocating at times. What's going to happen to my lungs while I'm here? Life here is very different, but very interesting. I'm soaking it all in like a sponge and welcome any new experience and dish; except meat. I even at a salad today, which Josefina prepared some kind of yummy dressing. Her black beans are out of sight!

It's very cold in Xela! I'm bundled up each night I go to sleep. The sun doesn't come out much and it rains alot there goes my idea of getting a tan while living in Central America. It takes my hair like 5 hours to air dry b/c of the moisture in the air.

My host mom loves ketchup! She makes the stiffest coffee, which I'm too embarassed to say I don't like the coffee so when she leaves the room I hurry to the sick and pour it down the drain. Am I bad or what? She made a very good tea for me the first day, but hasn't since.

My hand feels like it's going to fall off for typing for an hour straight! Yo esperanza todo es bein en Estados Unidos. (I hope all is well in the United States.) I have no idea if that's grammatically correct. LOL!

P.S. I rode a chicken bus to Zunil yesterday and it wasn't that bad! I survived my first ride!

I feel like I could write for every, but my hand hurts as the keyboard is a bit different than the states so my fingers are oddly positioned.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not sure if I will be ready but it will be quite the experience. Hey anything has to be better than studying for this dang exam.

I'm happy to hear you are being such a trooper. I hope you got some pix of the autobus de pollo!

I figured it would have pollution but not that bad. At least they only have 200k people. Imagine what Mexico city must be like.

Do they put milk in their coffee?

Can't wait to hear more.

Bernie & I amor y errar tu mucho

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristy, I am selfishly thrilled that you are there before me so i get the inside scoop...what I am hearing is buy more hand santizer and less sunscreen. I hope your waterproof pants are serving you well! Is there anything you want me to bring you from the states? extra anti-frizz hair gel, perhaps!

Hasta luego!

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey K,

It is SOOO incredibly great to hear how you are doing. This blog was really an awesome idea. I am so glad you are doing well, and it sounds like you are settling in well and reall exploring and soaking in the experience. GREAT! So...of course, I want to know how the chicken bus was. I started my internship today, so far so good...we'll see! Keep having fun, miss you!
XO, Lauren

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristy!!! It's so fun reading about your adventures in GUAT! The toilet thing freaks me out too! I just told someone at work...cause thats where I am right now and they said "EWWW"!! (HEHE) Anyways...all is well here..just working alot and relaxing! SOunds like you are enjoying yourself...kepp the stories coming!

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

6:32 AM  

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