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Pharmacy Student

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Answers to Questions

What different kinds of veggies do they? There are hundreds of veggies and fruits here because the soil is so rich and the climate varies they can grow a so many types. I've tried many types different types, which I loved very much. I don't know what their names are, but every thing I've tried here I've loved. Except these things called patches I also got really sick from them too.

Have you had the chance to test them out? Yeah, Josefina cooks with lots of veggies. She uses fruits to make tea too. Yummy! I'm lucky because a lot people say that their host mom doesn't cook good food or use any type of veggie besides black beans. I'll tell you one thing I'm extremely sick of cake and eggs. I definitely don't have any desire to eat them for a long time when I return. I know a lot o families don't have variety in their diet as veggies and fruits are expensive. I do supplement my fruit in take though. I know they can't afford to buy it every week.

Copa Vic sounds like alot of fun too!! I visited Copa Vic last Friday with my teacher. I bought 4 glasses a small pitcher. It's cool because they use recycled glass to make all of their stuff. The piture is blue and green and the classes are green so they match. I wanted to buy more, but I doubt these pieces will make it home in one piece. They are beautiful. I watched them make stuff too.

Ok, I'll start with the night time hike. Is this a QT hike? Is it a large group of hikers? Is it even remotely safe? Everything is safe with them...I think...I wont' have time to do the night hike as I want to try to squeeze in 50 hrs of lessons over the next 8 classes starting next week. No biggie. We'll be hiking around Tikal, Coban, and Antigua. I'm psyched about traveling, but nervous as hell about being the travel guide. I have no sense of direction and my spanish is so-so. However, we'll have maps and everyone is friendly and willing to help. Everyone, keep your fingers crossed for nolan and i's adventures around guate with the chicken buses!

Where is her nephews and why would you have liked to have gone? Not sure what you're talking about.

Where is the wedding? It's in Salcaja, it's a tiny pueblo outside of Xela, about 10 min busride. It's the same town where Nilda works. Is it in Xela? No. How does she know it would be ok with the bride and grooms family? Because they have known them for years. It's actually on 8/12 so Nolan you can't go...I'm going with them. I've gotta search for a dress. This weekend I'm going to a bday party of one of Josefina's neighbors. It's the little boy's 15th bday. They really throw done for the 15th bday. I'm looking forward to it. I have acceptable clothing for that. They start out with a church procession at 10 a.m. then go back to the persons house or rent out a buidling to have the party. However, Josefina said she doesn't want to go for the entire mass so she wants to arrive around 11 a.m. LOL! She used to go to church, but doesn't have time and she's afraid she's going to go to hell. I think they are going to start going to church again on this Friday. She asked me if I wante to go...I have my weekly cena. Plus, I hear enough from the churches across the street...I think that counts for something! LOL!

mmm, I think what you described is Horchata? Nope, Horatcha is cold and this drink is hot. They just call is arroz con chocolate, rice with chocolate. It's good!

Do they maybe buy the pets to control rodent infestation? Not sure why there are so many strays. I know that we had a baby mouse in the house and Josefina wanted to borrow a cat from a friend to search for it and kill it. Needless to say with the rat and the grandma I have been so scared to go out at night to use the bathroom. I have to walk across the patio to get to the bathroom.

did you know there's a vegetarian chorizo called soy-rizo? yes, i eat soy-rizo, jenny, but chorrizo is so much better. LOL! sorry, jenny, but i do resist temptation most times.

i hope we can cook together when you get back and you can give me all your recipes! of course, i need to sit down with josefina to get all the info. i have an idea of everything, but not exactly. just had guacamole today. it's so good it makes my toes curl!

do you have enough room in your luggage to bring home all these things? of course not! i asked nolan to bring an empty suitcase so we can tote my stuff home. i don't have that much extra stuff...yet. lol!

i would love to see the traditional skirts and aprons. not sure if i'll have time to buy a traditional skirt, but i'm definitely going to buy the traditional top. i'm either going this or next friday with josefina to buy one. she can help me get the best price. i'm just going to put it in a frame or something and hang it on the wall. i've gotta figure out something. anyone else have any ideas?

are they all brightly colored dyed wool? yes, some people where diffrent colors depending on their region. i'm going to a lecture tomorrow with my teacher to learn about the indigenous clothing as well as learn about the significance of all of the symbols on the clothing. nolan, when we go to fuentes georginas i want to stop by a womens cooperative to buy some place mats. my friend bought some and they had the mayan symbols on it, it's in zunil and we have to take the bus to zunil and then a pick up from zunil to fuentes georgina.

you say you'll never wear them but you could wear them at your own wedding! hehe I can't wait to go shopping for my wedding dress!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the nephew comment was in response to you mentioning Josefinas nephews.

didnt you already go on the night time hike? or is that different than the over night hike?

10:40 PM  

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