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Location: Chitown, Illinois, United States

Pharmacy Student

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Answers to Nolan's questions

God, I'm incredibly frustrating with the phones and internet. I don't know when I'm going to be able to post pics. I've been here for 1.5 hrs and no success. I don't feel like writing stories without having the pics. Sorry, everyone! I've tried calling home a few days in a row without any success. It's hard to hear on one or the other end.

The electricity is unpredictable so it always goes out everyday. I've had to study by candle light or by the small amt of sunlight the goes into my bedroom. My room is completely concrete and it has the tiniest window I've ever seen in it. It gets like one ray of sunlight! LOL! I take an ice cold shower everyday. That really wakes me up. I'm unsure why the family or I even bother lighting the gas to heat up the water b/c it's so cold all the time. I can't imagine how cold it would be if we didn't light the gas tank. There's a gas tank with a line running to a box in the wall and the box connects to the shower had somehow and it's supposed to heat the water. Well, I've been here a week and I've had only 1 lukewarm shower!

OK, Nolan's questions:
How many people live in the house?

There's 7 including me. Three of Josefinas children, her grandson & her hubby, and herself. Everyone has a lot of fun together. They are a very close family and don't treat me like I'm a foreigner. We enjoy each others company and we all laugh at how badly I butcher Spanish.

Is the "sun room" enclosed? There are 6 rooms in the house, 3 BR, 1 Bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room. In the middle of the concrete house is a cut out where they hang their handwashed laundry. Today, I raced to the patio from the kitchen with Carlos and Norma to grabb the their laundry has a thunderstorm unleased its fury. Norma was too short to reach the laundry so I had to grab it. It was funny!

If not how do they keep the rain from blowing into the rest of the house? You can close all of the doors to protect yourself from the elements when you're in a room, except for the kitchen there's no door there. However, the rain doesn't come into the kitchen unless it's really bad and a flood occurs.

How far is your school from the house? A 5 minute walk.

Was Josephina familiar with Chicago? No, she wasn't family and couldn't believe what it looked like. I tried to tell her about, my friends, and family as much as I can, but my spanish is soooo bad.

Have you given them any gifts yet? Yes, I gave her the USF hat to give to her hubby, I gave her a necklace and earrings. She was blown away. She's so unselfish that she gave it to her daughter Nilda. I still have a few left. I really want to buy her a mop as she mops the house daily with a broom and a wet towel wrapped around it. I'm going to have to find the supermarket and see if they sell them. She's an incredibly hard worker! She and I had a coversation today about how men in Latin America are sexist and won't help the women around the house. She said it was shear ignorance! Go Josefine! She said it's even worse for indigenous women like herself. She's had a tough life. She never knew her dad and her mom died when she was a little girl. She survived all the choas of the civil war and being indigenous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering my questions....of course I still can't get your other post out of my head. Please just BE SAFE!

So if there are only 3 bedrooms and you have 1 of them. The other 6 people share 2 bedrooms?

Have you taken pictures of the house? So the 2 photos you posted are they standing in this cutout?

Seems odd that the kitchen is open to the elements. Does it ever get too cold there or does the temp stay about the same all yr long?

Is her hubby also indigenous? What does her hubby do for work?

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

6:32 AM  

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