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Location: Chitown, Illinois, United States

Pharmacy Student

Friday, June 23, 2006

Day after Father's Day

The next a.m., Josefina made a yummy cake. It tasted similar to bread pudding! She mixed various types of bread with milk, egg, flour, cinnamon, and butter. I helped her carry the cake pans to a house nearby that has a large, industrial size wood burning stove. You can pay to use the oven to bake your food as it's too costly to use her gas oven in her house plus it'll cook faster in the wood burning stove. The stove is in a families house. We also took some black corn to a business and we ground it up using a machine so she could make tomales and tortillas. She soley uses corn and the mineral, calcium, which the latter is collect in the mountains and she buys it at the market.

After the errands, Josefina, Carlos, Jeremy, and I sat down to eat breakfast. Jeremy sat on Carlos's lap and fed him an egg. I was amazed as Jeremy was eating, which he hasn't been doing much of because he had some amoebas and gastric problems for the past few months. All of a sudden, he takes a deep breath and looks over at me. I thought he was about to choke on a piece of egg. Jeremy started barfing all over the place, on himself, the floor, Carlos, Josefina, and in the patio on the path to the bathroom. Josefina apologized, but I told her it was no problem. It doesn't bother me too much as I've cleaned up after Bernie plenty of times. I felt like I was watching the exorcist I've never seen puke expelled with such force. She disinfected the entire path with chlorox and the smell of chlorine was nauseating as we finished our breakfast.

I didn't realize it but I had my shirt inside out for a few hours. I looked down my chest for some reason and saw my shirt was backwards and inside out. When I woke up Josefina asked me to help her so I quickly go dressed. Josefina said she noticed it and thought about saying something, but she didn't want to offend nor was she sure if it was a way that I liked wearing my shirt. We were cracking up so hard. She said one time she rushed Nilda to the doctors office because she suffered from bronchitis during her childhood. She noticed that people were staring at her in the office and she looked down at her feet and noticed she had on two different styles of shoe that where two diffferent colors. Also, one time she put her skirt on backwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That bread pudding thing sounds REALLY good!

Poor little boy, I hope he is feeling better.

I sure hope the package I sent makes it as he will look adorable in the cubs t-shirt i sent. If it doesn't make it I will get another for when I come down. Can you find out what size he wears?

I have caught you here wearing your shirt inside out....glad to see somethings never change :)

She must of thought it was some crazy american way of wearing t-shirts

3:40 PM  

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