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Location: Chitown, Illinois, United States

Pharmacy Student

Monday, June 12, 2006

sorry for the long silence

hola everyone!

boy, it's been a rough 2nd week for me. first, i had the gastrointestinal problems then i had a really bad friday.

i woke up at 5 a.m. with a shooting electrical pain in my neck. i bolted out of bed and was so scared. it was the kind of pain that you feel radiate through your body and it makes you lose your breath and the tears well up in your eyes immediately and instantly begin crying. i was pacing back and forth and didn't know what to do as it was so early and Josefine doesn't get up for another hour to hour in a half. i kept thinking, oh my god, i have meningitis, i knew i should've gotten the vaccination before i left. isn't there a vaccination for it? for some reason she woke up at 6 a.m. and i was leaving my bedroom to use the bathroom and she say my tears glistening in the dawn and my distressed look. i told her while sobbing i'm in immense pain. she immediately ran to her friends house and ask her friend to have her daughter come over that afternoon to look at me. i thought she said she was a doctor. i got to school and i threw my laundry down on the ground and was too afraid to say anything to anybody. usually i socialize in the a.m. with teachers and students. i couldn't move my neck at all i cried all the way to school and would have to slowly turn my entire body to look at something. i immediately told my teacher i couldn't and the director. i sobbed in pain the entire time during my lecture, but somehow i still was able to converse with my teacher in spanish and i did all of my homework assignments correctly! my teacher was amazed as was i. we were suppossed to go on a field trip to the market and panaderia, but i was in too much pain so we talked and did other stuff. fortunately, a married couple i befriended is so nice and they walked to the pharmacy and bought me a foreign form of icy hot. also, krissy is a nurse and she asked her hubby to bring me some pain meds she had left over from her C-section. i called nolan soon after i arrived in tears and asked him to go see my beloved chiropractor who's office is nearby nolan's office. nolan spoke to dr. silbert and gave him some tips and said i'll live! whew! later that afternoon, josefina's friend come over and it turned out she was a massage therapist. whew! i didn't want to get involved with the doctors down here as my school as forewarned me about it as well about the horrors of the medical system here. the girl gave me a massage for a good price too in my bed room. it really felt weird to be half naked on my bed and having this girl massage me and then she placed some electrodes on my back and stimulated my muscles. at least after she was done i could slightly move my neck. she tried to sell me a neck brace and i said no thanks! lol! let me tell you, i wanted nothing more than to fly home and see dr. silbert and his massage therapist, kelly, whom i've befriended over the years! this chick was no kelly! i know they would've whipped me right into shape! needless to say, i couldn't go on the hiking trip scheduled for saturday and i lost my $ for that because the company won't reimburse me. what jackasses! i gave them ample time! it wasn't even a hike it was to a coffee farm, which i'm going to in two weeks with my school and my school always has a cheaper price. i basically chilled the entire weekend and i red a book i loaned from from school, the divine secrets of the ya ya sisters, no it's not in spanish.

anyway, my neck is improving daily and i can move it completely, but i still have some residual pain. everyone said it was probably from the cold showers, stress, and new bed. stress, imagine that? i think my body was worn down from being sick for a few days. i hope it's all up form here.


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