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Pharmacy Student

Friday, June 23, 2006

Father's Day

I learned of Josefina's hard life. Of course, I'm not going to post the details out of respect of her confidence in me. I was really was one of the most heartwrenching stories I've heard in my life. It really could be a movie. I want to find out more about her personal experiences with the Civil War as well as racism and descrimination she faces since she's indigenous. We were both crying by the end of it. All I did was ask her about her family and their traditions on Father's day, which opened up into other experiences. I was really shocked at what she endured and how much she divulged so much personal and emotional experiences.

I ate the oddest meal of my life! Josefina was preparing a special Guatemalan meal to celebrate Father's Day. I saw her cutting and cleaning beets. I thought to myself, oh my god, I'm going to have to eat beets. I stayed away from them for so many years, I had a horrible experience with them during my childhood. She diced them, added garlic and onion and sauteed them in a pot. I though, oh god, I'm going to have to eat this and pretend I have to like it! She put the veggie mixture on top of a tostada, it's interesting because the call a tostada an enchilada here, which is not how people reference it in other contries, for example in Mexico. She topped the veggies with raw onion, jalepenos, and get this she drizzeled mayo and ketchup on top. She asked, do you like mayo? I said no, but she put it on mine anyway. She said, if I don't like it with mayo she would make me a new one and she won't be offended. I looked around at the dinner table and her family was chowing down. I was petrified because I really hate beets and I definitely this mayo is one of the nastiest substances, I don't know what to call mayo, condiment or what. I closed my eyes and took a bite and let the flavors meld in my mouth. Guess what happened next?
a. I spit it up on my plate in disgust!
b. I ran to the bathroom and barfed it up.
c. I told Josefina it was fantastic and thought it was vile but ate it out of respect!
d. I told her I didn't like it and will just eat a plain tostada.
e. I told Josefina it was fantastic and I really liked it!

And the answer is.......

LOL! I thought it was freaking awesome! I tried just the veggie mixture in her large pot and I thought, hmmm, it ain't so bad. I ate 3 tostadas! I was so freaking stuffed!!! Nolan, Josefina said she's going to make this dish when you arrive! Get ready!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if they celebrated mother's and father's day down there.

i can't believe you ate that and liked it. I guess I will try it but must say it sounds vile!

3:35 PM  

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