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Location: Chitown, Illinois, United States

Pharmacy Student

Monday, June 12, 2006

No sense of direction!

As you all know I have no sense of direction or come sense for that matter. So it mustn't come to any suprise that I get lost on a regular basis. I was trying to find an office to a place that does hikes so I could get their monthly schedule. It took me an hour and half and asking 5 people where it is! People here keep telling me I need a compass! I said, that's what my friends and family tell me when I'm at home.

I kept passing these to caucasian men, I finally decided to ask them if they spoke english because I wansn't having much sucess when the Guatemaltecos I asked. They were from Australia and said they were lost, but they were trying to find the place that I was looking for too. So we wandered a bit and we found it. The guys let me in because the office is located in the back of a hostel. They are staying at the hostel. Well, immediately I walk in and they guy tells me that I should ask the owner of the hostel and she'll direct me to where I need to go b/c he didn't know where it was. Also, he said she may have the literature I need. I walk in and turn immediately to go into this lady's office and see her nearly necked in her bra and underware. Let me tell you it wasn't pleasing to see this lady in her near birthday suit. She saw me and didn't even mind. She took her dear sweet time getting dressed. I immediately ran out of there and asked the guy what the hell kind of place is this. He said, you know, I really shouldn't be standing here as I'm a man. I said, I shouldn't be standing here either and I don't want to wait around for this lady to get dressed. Apparently, her bedroom is connected to her office. Why in the hell doesn't she have a curtain to her office closed? She had absolutely no qualms about taking her dear sweet time. I kept peaking back and she was still not fully clothed. I was about to run out of there and she finally said can I help you. She pointed me in the direction to the office.

I wasn't sure if I was going in the right place, then I asked this old hippy dude if I'm going in the righ place. Ick! He started to hit on me! I finally got to the travel company and there was a guy sleeping on the couch. I meekly said, excuse me, can i please have a brochure. I looked at it and one of the hikes I'm interested in is only during the evening. I asked if they will offer it in the day time and he said no. He pointed in the air and said the volcanoe is that way and you can easily hike it during the day. Excuse me, asshole! I'm not a hiker for a living! Anway, I was having to walk by the creepy old hippy dude and the exhibitionist.

On Sunday, it took me 45 minutes and asking 3 people where a grocery store was. I wanted to buy some stuff to make dinner for my family. I wanted to make baked ziti! I was in the store forever. It wasn't the best place to go as it was quite small. I lucked out because they actually had ricotta, mozzerella, and parmesean. I got the last ricotta in the fridge! I made sure it was still good though. They don't sell tomatoe sauce in a can here so I asked Josefina if she would help me make the sauce because she makes salsa and she makes tomotoe sauce for pasta she's made me in the past. I remember before my departure Nolan showed me how to make it, but I couldn't remember. It turned otu really good. Most of her family liked it! We ate it with corn tortillas and drank pinapple soda! I love pinapple soda!

Needless to say, I can find both places with my eyes closed now. I'm really trying to find my way around as Nolan's going to depend on me when he's here. I need to impress! Everyone is very friendly and willing to help point you in the right direction!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kristy,

Reading your blog is such a great way to unwind from work and I love keeping up with all of your adventures. I am so happy that you are being so brave and pursuing all these awesome opportunities. It sounds like you are really bonding with Josefina, they are surely going to miss you when you are gone! I was sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough week alst week, but you got through it, and you know waht they say...whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This whole experience is making you a better person. You're really not missing much around here, I am working a lot and going to sleep early because being on your feet 8 hours a day is exhausting. I am glad to hear that you got into AGO, I did too, are you going to do it? Keep writing...I love reading updates!
PS-Nolan...congrats on your promotion!

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Lauren.

Hey are people paying attention to the world cup down there? I know Guatemal didn't qualify but costa rica and Mexico did.

I think you need to avoid that tour company like the plague! Sounds really creepy! I hope thee are some more reputable companies out there.

What about the quetzal trekers?

So can you now speak in past tense at school?

how is your new teacher?

Are you on level II?

Did you make the ziti in the oven?

it was cold here this weekend...50's on sat

but by next weekend it will be 90 and humid...yuck!

Bernie will be hating life....there is also a tropical storm Alberto about to hit north of Tampa.

You need to keep an eye on the storms as the season progresses.

10:04 PM  

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